Downlands Park Nursing Home, once Wick & Parkfield School |
Wow! It certainly
has been a long time since I started cleaning out the George Mills reply boxes. Here are some posted replies to
articles on this website that you may or may not have seen and may wish to
• Stentor has left a new comment on your post "
Finding Parkfield...":
Thank you, 'Anonymous', for your refreshing frankness. I was at Parkfield from
1957 to 1961 and it was every bit as awful as you say. The headmaster was a
brutal drunk who terrorised his charges. Here is not the place to detail what
went on but I agree that today it would be a police matter. As for 'Giles', I
can only say that I am glad that Brambletye was different. For a long time I
imagined that most prep schools were as terrible as mine.
If 'Anonymous' or anyone else from Parkfield wants to continue this thread, I
invite to say so in this forum and we'll work out how to get in touch.
November 15, 2011
7:02 PM
This unhappy post is part of a thread of varied comments
that may be of interest to many readers…
• javalava has left a new comment on your post "
New Information: Lady Frances Ryder, Jack Mitchell...":
Thank you very much for working on this excellent family history. It comes
across as professional and well researched as well as compassionate and
I was just looking for the year when Barton R. V. Mills passed away. Some time
later I found myself still reading about these fascinating lives. Thanks again.
February 7, 2012
10:28 AM
• Kristeen Simpkin has left a new comment on your post "
Word from a Relative of George Mills...":
Rev Barton Mills married Elizabeth Edith Ramsay, not Edith Judith Ramsay.
According to the probate information for Sir George Dalhousie Ramsay, 22565
pounds was left to Rev Mills and his wife Elizabeth Edith.
March 21, 2012
8:16 AM
Thanks for sharing, Ms. Simpkin! Are you a relative of George Mills? If so, please let us know!
• Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "
Finding Parkfield...":
I was at Parkfield from around 1948 to 1954 - I was extremely happy there - it
was owned and run by Mr and Mrs Richard Lowe, who were very kind to me and
everyone in their charge - it was then a very happy school. Their daughter
taught me to read - she spent extra time with me and I will always be grateful
- I think she married one of the teachers, A Mr Sharpe if I remember correctly.
Mr and Mrs Lowe, I seem to remember (it is well over half a century ago!) sold
the school to a Mr Halstead in my last term - I then went to Eastbourne College
which I hated - However I will always have fond memories of Parkfield.
June 20, 2012 4:08
Parkfield certainly seems to evoke quite a variety of
emotions from its alumni. I would love
to know a bit more of its back story!
The Quathlamba of Auckland, on which Theodore Goodland served in 1903. | |
• Tammy Gordon has left a new comment on your post "
Theodore Thomas Goodland, Master Mariner":
This is my great grandfather. Im very interested in hearing more about this and
why your writhing about my family and would love to know more. Please contact
September 12, 2012
8:29 PM
I did, indeed, contact Miss Gordon, explained the purpose of
my research, and asked her if there were any family stories about her great grandfather
and his adventures that she'd be willing to share. Unfortunately, I never received a reply…
'Coniscliffe', once Eric Streatfeild's home, after a 1943 air raid. |
• Roger Sharland has left a new comment on your post "
Visualizing Warren Hill School and Some Possible M...":
William Champion Streatfeild was not Eric Streatfeild's father but rather
uncle. William Champion was the father of Noel Streatfeild, but his brother
Alexander Edward Champion Streatfeild was Eric's father.
October 6, 2012
12:11 PM
Duly noted, and thank you, Mr. Sharland!
• Joe Kirk has left a new comment on your post "
Finding Parkfield...":
Hullo there
After Wick & Parkfield School closed, the site became Downlands College, a
school for children with dyslexia and other learning-difficulty conditions,
which had moved from Saltdean to expand. It in turn closed when numbers fell
due to the 1978 Warnock Report and subsequent special education reforms, which
reduced local authority support for such education.
This was presumably the origin of the present name Downlands Park. The
Downlands name also lives on as Downlands Educational Trust, a grant making
charity. There is a bit more history on our site www.downlandsedtrust.org.
Good luck
Joe Kirk, Secretary, Downlands Educational Trust
December 24, 2012
10:25 AM
March 31, 2013 at
6:55 PM
Thank you, Z., more than I can tell you. I'm encouraged by the fact that Betsy has
gained about 4 pounds recently, and while that may not sound like much, it
really is a blessing, giving her strength to carry on the fight…
Next time we'll check the Who Is George Mills? mailbag and examine some e-mails from readers
from around the world!