A couple of items have shown up in the old "mail bag" of comments here at Who Is George Mills?
First, from 18 October 2010, posted by the redoubtable Barry McAleenan, regarding the book Notable Sussex Women, which contains information on the life of Lady Dorothy Mills (née Walpole):
The local library only has 2 copies of the book: One is a reference copy, which couldn't be found till much later after a staff shift change; it was being used downstairs in a promotion for the upstairs Reference Library. The lending copy has been stolen so scanning not poss. [My camera was not up to spec. in the library lighting.] Anyway no photos (glossy or otherwise) of Lady Dot. Most entries like hers merit about a quarter of a page. OK? Barry Mc.
It's more than okay, Barry! Thank you so much for taking the time to check it out—something not-so-easily done from Ocala, Florida. Apparently that text featured nothing ground-breaking regarding our Lady Dorothy.
Also, from October 11 2010, came an anonymous message regarding the now-defunct Parkfield Preparatory School, of which George Mills and this writer were proud alumni:
Downlands was indeed the Wick and Parkfield School. I remember climbing over the fence to watch the model railway which is next door and clearly visible on google earth.

I checked out Downlands Park on Google Earth as our anonymous commentator suggested, and believe that his "model railway" must be seen just below the tennis courts at the right of the satellite image [right]. It should be noted, however, that without the above-mentioned "Barry Mc," the location of Parkfield would still be a mystery!
Once again, thanks very much, Barry, and thank you to all who have helped guide my quest for information about the life, family, and times of George Mills. I appreciate it more than I can adequately say!
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