There's been a lot of information coming in over the last couple of days for me to sift through, including insight from the Queen's Chapel of the Savoy regarding B. R. V. Mills, but first things first, as they say.
I've spent some time now trying to scare up the mysterious George Mills, but I really had no idea what he looked like. I'd seen his grandfather and his brother, both named Arthur Mills, and I was beginning to think there had been a photographic family conspiracy against anyone without that particular moniker.
Thanks to the efforts of Barry McAleenan of Eastbourne, I'm simply delighted that we can see George Mills here in a photograph taken in the Summer of 1956. Mills would have been about 60 at the time, and he's likely anticipating seeing his three most popular titles reprinted in the very near future.
I can't thank Barry enough! There'll be far more about Barry and George over the weekend. For the time being, though, I'm pleased to have you meet… George Mills!
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